At first glance it may look untidy, but at second glance the interested viewer recognises the end result: the set of a staff meeting that was livestreamed. The client in this case was a large bakery that did not want to book a large hall because of Corona restrictions, but wanted to inform the staff via livestream.
The works council of the bakery had decided in favour of Stream1 because colleagues at other production sites belonging to the group had already had good experiences with us.
The picture shows: 3x PTZ camera to offer the users varied pictures, 2x preview monitors “Lilliput”, once the Samsung Flip 65 ” to display the PowerPoints in the set and in the foreground our livestream direction.
The result of the stream was convincing for the customers: many viewers who participated online in the staff meeting, good queries and a strong interest in the topics and saved costs for large rooms, travel of the staff and possibly a standstill of the production for the time of the meeting.