Warm, cosy and relaxed. No, we’re not lying around in the sun. Rather, we are streaming an online conference for the DJI (Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.). The atmosphere can be attributed to the location. Where that was? For that you’ll have to read on 😉 .
Live from the Livestream Studio Munich
Light – on. Microphone – on. Camera – on. And off went the DJI conference. As streaming professionals, we were also able to support the event with our technology. The two-day hybrid event was streamed from the Livestream Studio in Munich. Almost all wishes can be realised there.
The order included the creation of a new stage back wall. Our graphic designer created one in bright yellow. This formed the background instead of the blue and gold wallpaper in the studio.

By the way, the design of the stage back wall could also be used as a virtual background by the online speakers.
In addition, a handful of the speakers used our Stream1 office space right next to the studio. Why? There they were guaranteed peace and quiet and a stable internet connection – unfortunately this is not (always) the case at home.
For the livestream, we built a website in the design of the back wall of the stage. The livestream ran there via a player. To participate in the hybrid online conference, you had to register in advance. We then sent them a link to the website with a password to log in. Only after the stream was over was the website made available to the public with individual content.
A must-have for Stream1: Technical checks
Preparation is everything. By now, everyone has certainly had at least one online meeting. But the technology check as our additional service is mainly there for testing. Do I perhaps need a second screen to display the speaker’s view of my PowerPoint? Is a headset useful for better acoustics? How can I have someone else click on my PowerPoint? All this and much more is tested before the event with us – Stream1. In the process, participants also get useful tips and tricks for sound, image and Internet, for example. Since some of the speakers’ schedules were full to the brim, four extra dates were added to the first six proposals.
And the result? Through the preceding technique checks, the most common flubs of a stream can be avoided. So the DJI online conference also ran smoothly. Of course, this is mainly thanks to the highly qualified speakers and the people behind the event planning.
Are you also interested in streaming an event? Perhaps also hybrid? We would be happy to provide you with full support for your project. For a free, no-obligation quote, call: 0049 89 4141 453 10 or send an email to: hello@stream1.eu